We use a scientific approach to hypnosis; however, you will also understand and practice the art of hypnosis in a safe and therapeutic setting.
We use the most effective elements of solution-focused therapy; again, this is a skill, and you will have the practical experience to use these skills in a clinical setting.
We use a practical approach to Mindfulness with a focus on mindful attention, amygdala activity reduction and removing negative anticipation/ ruminations.
We use Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) to help change your thought patterns and is among the most researched evidence-based techniques for altering one's thoughts and behaviour.
Brain-based therapy helps clients rewire their brains by incorporating knowledge from neuroscience research and fusing it with well-known elements of attachment theory.
Although much of the course focuses on Modern Psychotherapy, there are other areas that we investigate. Understanding behaviour, social contacts, or "transactions," are examined to ascertain the communicator's ego state. This process is known as transactional analysis (TA).
Establishing rapport, learning about a problematic mental state and desired goals, employing particular tools and techniques are just a few of the primary stages that make up NLP.
Further uses for our multi-modular approach to hypnotherapy include helping people with weight management, overcoming OCD, improving confidence levels, increasing motivation, easing IBS symptoms and reducing certain types of pain. Inspiraology thoroughly covers training in all of these topic areas. And that means you can be confident in your abilities to help someone as soon as they walk through your door and sit down for that all-important initial consultation with you.
The course explains your boundaries in what you can and cannot do. We provide guidance on how you can work with doctors and members of the medical profession. We go through a large number of scenarios and all of the likely situations you will encounter in your day-to-day work and how to work each session so your client can reach their desired outcome.
Some ‘traditional’ forms of hypnotherapy engage in Freudian-styled techniques to try to assist a client by working through their problems. We don’t. The Inspiraology course is fundamentally different to many training schools as we focus on a multi-modular approach to situations – and not exclusively on the problem.
Training in trance and technology. We know our approach works, as we have the data to back it up! Part of your training introduces you to the CORP software, which securely and anonymously measures the outcomes of your meetings with clients. CORP provides an excellent opportunity for your client to monitor their progress and positively engage with their therapy. It allows you to give prospective clients approximate time scales for how many sessions it’ll take for them to experience change. CORP isn’t the only piece of high-tech kit which we introduce you to during your studies. You’ll learn how to use something called a ‘GSR monitor’, which measures the depth of hypnosis experienced by a client.
We teach you about the different altered states of consciousness and explain what to say when inducing, or deepening, someone’s experience of the trance. You’ll practice these techniques with your fellow students. This takes place in the comfortable surroundings of actual practice rooms.
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