Our Hypnotherapy Diploma Course
We often get asked what we can do to become hypnotherapists. Is it a case of reading books or going on a course? And in a way, your journey to becoming a hypnotherapist is your chosen journey.
Now, some people will start by reading a good book on hypnotherapy. This might be Matthew’s practitioner’s guide to Solution-focused hypnotherapy. It might be another book. And it’s really useful to get an idea of what hypnotherapy is all about, particularly if you’re not aware of what’s happening in the world of hypnotherapy.
So you might read a book or two and then explore a bit further, perhaps having a look online and seeing what else is out there. You might take a short introductory course to find out a little bit more.
It could be useful to watch a few demonstrations. In fact, you might even look at the Inspiraology YouTube channel and get more information that way. And that might spark a little bit more interest.
So you can start to explore what’s the right course for me. And you’ll know the answer to that. However, we would like to share some really useful tips that are important when selecting just the right hypnotherapy training.
The first one is to check out who the trainers are. Can you find out who the trainers are? Are they visible in the hypnotherapy world? Do they speak at conferences? Have they written books? Are they experienced at teaching?
They may be fantastic hypnotherapists, but can they actually convey to you how they do what they do? Are there any past students that you can find out? You could talk to or listen to reviews from them so that you get an understanding of what their experience was on the course that you’re thinking about.
There are other things you can think about, such as, is there any practical? Can you actually go into the learning environment and practice the stuff straight away? Or do you have to wait until you get home and have a willing volunteer?
Are you given course materials that support your learning? I’m sure you’ve been on certain courses I have too, where you don’t get much, and you have to sit there all the time writing notes, worried that you’re going to miss a really important word.
So, find out how your tutors are, think about the practical aspects, what training materials you are going to get, and what support is there. All of these are really important things. But I’d like to share with you a couple of things that might not be as important.
And you might be thinking, hmm, are you sure? The first one is location. We often hear people say, ah, but you’re not in my next town. Have you got any trainers in your town? And it’s worth travelling for the right training.
Because as some of our graduates have found, they’ve trained elsewhere because it was around the corner, a very short commute. But they didn’t get what was right for them. So, absolutely, look at where the course is located.
But it may not be your strongest priority. What may be of the utmost priority to you is whether you are going to get the knowledge, skills, experience and understanding to be able to do the job of being a hypnotherapist.
And not just that. But to be able to run a hypnotherapy business as well. The other thing that may not be as important is that bit of paper you get at the end. There can be all sorts of different titles and labels on a hypnotherapy certificate, diploma, or master’s diploma.
However, does the training actually match the title? You can go online and find a hypnotherapy diploma for very little money. But will that take you on the right journey for you so that you can become a competent hypnotherapist?
Possibly not. So think about what you actually need. Have a look at the various options. Absolutely. Start to compare what different organisations are offering so that you can truly find the right course for you.
One thing that really sets our course apart is that you are taught by two trainers, not just one, but two. So you get a mixture of the two and… differing opinions so that you can learn that there’s not just one way to do hypnotherapy, so you can tailor your own approach to suit you as an individual therapist, which is a fantastic place to start.
In terms of the content of the course, there are many courses out there that will teach you just one specific therapy modality, like behavioural hypnotherapy or, Ericsonian hypnotherapy, or, you know, cognitive hypnotherapy.
With us, we like to cover all the bases, and we offer a very holistic approach, so we cover cognitive behavioural, analytical, and Ericsonian regression hypnotherapy. We also include various different therapy modalities that work well and are complementary to hypnotherapy, such as NLP and hypnotherapy, SFBT and CBT and hypnotherapy, and mindfulness and hypnotherapy.
The list goes on. There’s a lot of stuff in our course that you probably wouldn’t find in other hypnotherapy courses, but that is very, very useful as a working hypnotherapist. It’s really good to be able to adapt to the client, the person that you have in front of you because they’re all individuals, and regardless of what condition they have, whether they’re a smoker or they have anxiety or stress, it’s good to be able to tailor what you’re doing to that specific client rather than just reading a script for that condition because a condition isn’t a client.
Clients are very individual, and a smoking client is not the same as smoking client is not the same as the next smoking client, for example, so it’s really good to be able to choose your approaches and cherry-pick the right approach for that client so your initial training kind of needs to be very broad in order to allow you the flexibility to be able to do that.
In terms of the training hours, it’s a really good idea that your training, which ours does, meets the core curriculum in the UK and that sets out the content that you need to learn, and our course goes way above the content that’s on the core curriculum but also that the course meets the set amount of learning hours and homework hours in total the core curriculum suggests that you need to be able to do that that a hypnotherapist needs a minimum of 450 hours of training.
That’s a combination of in-person training, so you can’t really, at this point anyway, meet the core curriculum if you’re doing online training. So you have to do in-person training to meet that standard.
So you’ve got 120 hours of face-to-face in-person training, which we offer on our course. We actually do 140 hours. And 330 minimum hours of homework. So, it’s a fairly big commitment with homework.
But suppose you consider it from a professional perspective. In that case, if you’re looking to learn any kind of brand new career, you’re looking at investing way more time than just that 450 hours to become a psychologist, doctor, or dentist.
That’s years and years of training. So, Hypnotherapy is actually relatively quick. Our diploma course is structured on a month-by-month basis. So, you do one weekend a month for ten months. That gives you ample time between the weekends to do your homework.
That’s the reason why we don’t do intensive chunks in intensive courses just because the memory retention just isn’t the same. You’ll do like a few-days course.
We could split our course into several-day chunks. You’d probably remember about two days’ worth of that material if that. So, by doing it month by month, one weekend a month, you get time to digest all of that information, do all your related homework, and practice.
And practice is super important. You get to practice in class with your fellow classmates.
So, all in all, by doing a really holistic broad training, by spreading your training over a longer period to let that information sink in, by choosing a blended learning approach so you’re doing classroom training in person, you get a chance to interact with people, with your fellow students, with your tutors to ask questions, to get practice and also by doing all of this homework that’s geared to making you a successful, confident hypnotherapist.
That is really truly the best starting point for you to become a working hypnotherapist. However, that said, it’s not even necessarily something that you have to do full-time. It’s something that you could choose to do part-time to supplement another income or career that you have.
We’ve had a lot of people come on the course who have retired already, and they just want something extra to do for a little bit of money but also to give back and to help others, and that’s fantastic that people are…
That’s all I’m gonna say right now about our hypnotherapy diploma course because I know you’re probably shopping around right now and looking for the right option, but check out the link in the description below that will take you over to the Inspiraology website where you can check out our full syllabus, which is a big syllabus, and you can compare it against any other courses that you’re thinking about.
If you have any questions at any point, feel free to get in touch with us either in the comments below or via the website. All of our contact details are there. You could even sign up for one of our free Taster or Discovery events, where you can meet us online or in person.
Here is our fantastic, five-star training venue, the Integrity Centre, which is in Central London and really easy to get to. But yeah, any time you have any questions and want to take your hypnotherapy training further, by all means, get in touch with us because we are always happy to help.
Thanks very much for reading, and we’ll see you on a course soon.
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