So Lets Look At Clinical Hypnotherapy Training
What does that mean? What is a clinical hypnotherapist? And what happens when you get that type of training? It’s first good to understand classical hypnotherapy training. In classical training, you get all the basics.
Induction, deepening, different types of tests, ability to discern what kind of clients you’re working with and help to offer them the most powerful suggestions for their greatest good. A lot of that work is non-therapeutic and non-medical.
We’re not dealing with anything all that advanced. As we move deeper into our training, the first 300 hours of the training here at IHT, we have a lot to do with creating hypnotherapists, people who can transform the lives of others but who are not necessarily trained to work in the medical, clinical, and therapeutic type of settings.
NCH has accredited us to train you as certified clinical and transpersonal hypnotherapists. Now, a clinical hypnotherapist, and the clinical hypnotherapy training you get here, is all about hypnosis for those categories of work that don’t fall into the realm of non-therapeutic.
This is where we get into clinical hypnosis. We train you how to work in clinical settings. We train you how to get referrals. We teach you how to work in hospitals. We’ve had graduates who have become staff hypnotherapists in different hospitals and medical settings.
It’s exciting. We’ve had hypnotherapists who have worked in hospice or in dental offices who have gone when somebody is in their last days to go and to offer pain management and even some deeper levels of relief, bringing some peace to their life.
In clinical hypnotherapy training, we have training in neuroscience and physiology. If this type of training is so much more fun and comprehensive, we go into the metaphysics of healing. So when we look at the nature of consciousness, the nature of the energy body from the traditions of acupuncture, the chakra system from the yogic concepts, and the Ayurvedic medical concepts, we look at how and why illness manifests.
We look into the new thought movement, why illness manifests and then, most importantly, how we reverse it.
It’s a journey in clinical hypnotherapy into how you can go to someone who’s physically hurting or physically having some type of disease manifesting and transform that.
This is verifiable through follow-up and written testimonials. When you’re a clinical hypnotherapist, you are tapping into the incredible healing nature of the mind. You’re learning to heal the mind, to heal the body.
That can be as simple as hypnosis for dentistry or hypnosis for childbirth, yet much richer and deeper than that are fields like psychoneuroimmunology. It’s a big word for using the mind to heal the body.
We’ve looked at the career of clinical hypnosis therapy. We’ve looked at long-distance healing and living in what quantum physics is. It refers to a non-local universe. Can you use your mind to help someone somewhere?
Those of faith, those who pray, strongly believe that we can help others who are not in the same space. It all comes down to what the powerful potentials of the mind are and how we can use those powerful potentials in a profession where we get to help people daily.
You can go to our website to learn more, Also, remember to subscribe to our YouTube channel and become part of the IHT family. We are consistently growing our vision, creating more schools, more teachers, more supervisors, and more and more successful graduates. I welcome you to the eye of the Inspiraology Hypnotherapy Training.
Becoming a Certified Hypnotherapist Requires Dedication