The importance of self-care

    • February 21, 2023
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    • Best hypnotherapy training course completing hypnotherapy training Hypnotherapy training courses

    The importance of self-care

    Past newsletters have looked at areas around self-care and the importance of being able to relax away from your practice room.

    We believe it’s important to ‘walk the walk alongside talking the talk.’ And that means putting into practice everything we chat about with our clients.

    In other words, focusing on the positives we have encountered, and achieved, during the course of a day – or a week. Noting how well we have coped or handled difficult situations along the way.

    We can utilise the Miracle Question to plan how to achieve our goals. And, of course, we can use visualisation as a powerful technique to allow our brains to ‘rehearse’ what we need to do to get to where we want to be.



    Visualisation and the Miracle Question allows the brain to go through ‘practice runs’ before we put our plans into action – and achieve success in the real world!

    Hypnotherapy training combined with our knowledge and skillsets are important ingredients for success as they allow us to be able to remain focused on our goals of helping clients.

    These factors create a strong foundation in the Therapeutic Alliance and allows a client to feel confidence in our abilities and provides them with the opportunity to gain the tools they can use to help themselves.



    CPD training: Working with menopausal symptoms


    We are delighted to be able to share with you a number of outstanding CPD opportunities which are on offer to our members.

    This weekend sees the excellent New Horizon team deliver a one day course tailored for hypnotherapy practitioners who are working with clients experiencing menopausal symptoms.

    The workshop, on Sunday 26 February, is aimed at providing an opportunity to better understand some of the core concepts around the menopause, menopausal symptoms and therapy.



    The remote training session is starting at 1030 and will finish at 1700. The six and a half hours of CPD is designed to hone your skills, knowledge and understanding for how to help women experiencing menopausal symptoms.

    Past attendees have said that the session was ‘very informative’ and that they really enjoyed the ‘interactive approach.’

    The goal, of course, is to help you to be in a position where you can work safely and knowledgeably with both clients and the broader healthcare team.



    The workshop aims to explore approaches to your solution focused practice which will enhance your ability to support the client in sessions.

    The aim is to increase your confidence in the delivery of safe, effective hypnotherapy support within the menopause setting.

    To find out more about this event and to book your place on the course, please visit your NBH account.



    CPD training: The role of hypnotherapy in cancer care


    We are pleased to advise there is a CPD workshop being delivered on Sunday 05 March which examines the role of hypnotherapy in cancer care.

    The aim of the half day course is to build confidence in the provision of an effective complementary therapy. It is being run from 0900 to midday.

    It’s estimated that one in three people will develop cancer at some point of their lifetime and, as such, the course provides a useful understanding of how your practice can support and help people through this challenging time in their life.




    The session is being led by Beverley Longhurst. She has more than a decade of experience as a clinical nurse specialist working in oncology.

    She has written about breast cancer and it’s treatments and the application of hypnotherapy and yoga in the oncology setting.

    She has used clinical hypnotherapy as a resource for oncology patients and carers. She uses techniques to build resilience, confidence and provide learning for effective self-soothing techniques.



    To find out more about this event and to book your place on the course, please visit your NBH account.

    We are delighted to provide you with details relating to both of these courses and recognise that the content will be develop worthwhile and important skillsets for all of our members.



    As our HPD training shows, hypnotherapy is very useful in helping someone through difficult times. We would, of course, always recommend any client seeks appropriate medical support and advice when faced with any health related issue.


    Having a team of experts in their field talk us through how hypnotherapy can be used in a complimentary fashion for clients facing either the menopause or, separately, stress related issues resulting from cancer treatment is a crucial piece of CPD training.


    We envisage attendees will be able to provide appropriate support and help for clients facing some of the worst stresses which could affect any one of us.

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    Several Benefits to Undertaking Hypnotherapy Training

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